LOH Easter Egg Ride

Event date: 
Sat, 03/27/2021 - 9:00am

The Panther Creek Chapter Ladies of Harley is supporting the Samaritan Inn of McKinney this year with their Annual Easter Egg Run on March 27.  It will be  a self paced ride starting at Black Gold Harley-Davidson® and ending at the Fox & Hound in Richardson with several stops along the way (or out of the way!!.)  It’s an open ride with the proceeds being accepted by the Samaritan Inn of McKinney - invite everyone you know, let’s get some seat time and spread some Panther Creek love!

You can pre-register now (see the flyer for more information) or register on the day of the event. Bikes start rolling out on March 27 from Black Gold Harley-Davidson at 9am, last out by 11am… ride to each of the designated locations and roll the dice… you’ll roll your last dice at the final stop Fox & Hound where we will have a final count, give away prizes and, best of all, present the Samaritan Inn with a check!  At only $20 per rider or passenger entry fee, our goal is an easy $1,000... but feel free to increase your entry fee - 100% of it goes straight to those in need!!

Good food, good riding, good friends, good fun, good deeds - you guessed it - it’s all good!!


Check out the Samaritan Inn of McKinney's website for more information on their programs and ways you can help even more!  

Event location:
Black Gold Harley-Davidson
1007 SH-121
Allen TX 75013

Open Event: This event is open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.  All riders and passengers must sign a release.