2021 SW HOG Regional Chili Cookoff - NO RIDE, meet at American Eagle HD

Event date: 
Sat, 02/27/2021 - 8:00am

The Ride from Black Gold Harley-Davidson to American Eagle HD has been cancelled.  Meet us there before noon to support Panther Creek!!


Regional SW HOG Chili Cookoff

Come out and support the PCH team at Regionals to be held at American Eagle Harley Davidson.  The Teams will traverse hill and dale to get set up and start cooking at 8:00 am, those of us who want to go in support will be forming up at Black Gold Harley Davidson parking lot at 10:00 (we get to sleep in) so we can ride over and support our team.  Stay tuned for more details, the KSU may be adjusted for the route, plan is to be at American Eagle by 12:00 to get tasting cups and get in line for the tasting to begin.  Don't forget to vote for PCH Team in the People's Choice.